Life is a Savage Garden


Greetings to all the beautiful people around! Here are tales of a garden that just happens to be! Presenting the Chronicles of the South, where the stars and the moon dance their way through the Southern Hemisphere. And lines that may come to rhyme to be a poem...


This one is in sharp contrast with what i wrote some time back... I don't think i even like this one...O_o yes!

Walking down the road the other day,
I encountered life,
The one I often, oh, so often heard about,
But now I think I was better look towards the sky,
Squinted me eyes to adjust to the darkness that was emanating,
A question on my lips,
And all my mumblings were numbed,
And all my songs were lost,
As if nature could have me no more,
My humble prayers reached no ears no more,
Such was this life,
The clouds hid my love and no calling
no wailing could trick it back,
Oh such was the dust,
Oh such was the noise,
Senses, worldly and heavenly,
made meaningless and fled from me,
Hands turned to ice,
and I couldn't feel the caress of flowers,
Having never embraced, my heart couldn't get warm,
Couldn't get rid of this cold,
So cold was this life,

And the mind, a mess,
Sitting in a pool of mud of its own,
Stuck and battered by incomprehension
Striking from all sides,
What to expect from this thing just met,
It was trying to fly again,
But it was getting comfortable here,
The mind tried to look beyond and do the right,
It wouldn't
It got tangled,
In some kind of love,
For whom, for what, I still wonder,
There was no one to rescue from here,
The road was still waiting ahead,
But life wanted some directions,
And all I done was to float with the winds,
All I had to do was to sing,
and the Moon would appear,

What do I do of you life,
How do I transform you,
What made you so dark,
If I could I would,
take a little light from them all,
I met till I found you,
For I heard of something that hides inside
their hearts.
Something overwhelmingly bright.

And I managed to finish this stuff afterall!


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